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Robert McCammon Interview

Posted: August 8, 2012 in Interview
Robert McCammon Interview

…swamp tracking the mob… How much research do you typically put into a novel? Lots. Tons. My shelves groan with research books. Actually now I’m able to do a lot…


The Dusk Watchman

Posted: September 7, 2012 by Steven in Books We Love Meta: Tom Lloyd, Epic Fantasy
The Dusk Watchman

…series finale was when I read Erikson’s THE CRIPPLED GOD . I suppose that the best compliment I can give Tom Lloyd is that I was 100% impressed by…



Posted: June 26, 2015 by Vanessa in Books We Like Meta: Gillian Philip, Fantasy

…and the very person Queen Kate NicNiven wants for her own purposes. Unfortunately teenagers will chafe under restrictions, even knowing it’s best for their well being. When Rory sneaks into…


In the Labyrinth of Drakes

Posted: May 17, 2016 by Vanessa in Books We Love Meta: Marie Brennan, Fantasy
In the Labyrinth of Drakes

…engagements has kept her financially afloat. But nothing compares to being in the field. When her co-researcher Tom Wilker is offered a position with the Royal Army to study desert…


The Liar’s Key

Posted: March 18, 2016 by Steven in Books We Love Meta: Mark Lawrence, Fantasy
The Liar’s Key

…It’s Lawrence’s longest novel, but it is easily his best yet. THE LIAR’S KEY takes place shortly after PRINCE OF FOOLS , with Jalan Kendeth and Snorri ver Snagason…


The Fortress in Orion

Posted: February 19, 2016 by Writer Dan in Books We Hate Meta: Mike Resnick, Science Fiction
The Fortress in Orion

…That’s a different situation entirely. Actual science is on the level of wish-fulfillment. Pretorius’s computer is a perfect example of that. Any question he has, that thing has the answer–no…


Shadows of Self

Posted: October 2, 2015 by Alan in Books We Like Meta: Brandon Sanderson, Fantasy
Shadows of Self

…it remains some of his best work. Sanderson is an author known for his epic fantasy, and since finishing the Wheel of Time series, increasingly known for large books like…



Posted: September 11, 2015 by Writer Dan in Books We Don't Like Meta: James L. Cambias, Science Fiction

…resolves all of the story lines satisfactorily, and even sets up the possibility of a sequel. Although, if a sequel for this book comes up, I’ll probably do my best


Motherless Child

Posted: August 11, 2015 by Writer Dan in Books We Love Meta: Glen Hirshberg, Horror
Motherless Child

…as these two strong-willed young women take a stroll down a very dark road indeed. It’s a road that twists and turns and comes back upon itself, eventually coming full…


The Grace of Kings

Posted: April 28, 2015 by Nickolas in Books We Love Meta: Ken Liu, Epic Fantasy
The Grace of Kings

…miracle Liu is able to manage it all. And yet Liu not only manages the complicated politics, he presents it in a manner that is clear and comprehensible. I was…