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Red Sister

Posted: May 24, 2018 by Writer Dan in Books We Love Meta: Mark Lawrence, Fantasy
Red Sister

…development of all the constituent parts and less mundane detail about life in the convent. And more commas. Yes, many-much more commas. A great read though; standing near the top…




I really like the trend I’m seeing of speculative fiction comprising a larger portion of the movies and tv (streaming?) shows in production today. In fact, the whole reason I…




…meets a man named Jaime Fraser, and slowly but surely things get progressively more complicated. Whilst technically I categorized this book as Alternate Historical Fantasy, it really is a romance…


City of Stairs

Posted: August 29, 2017 by Writer Dan in Books We Love Meta: Robert Jackson Bennett, Fantasy
City of Stairs

…and charcter-deep -centric, and so those external details can sometimes feel lacking. However, the absolute volumes of history and gravitas that the world has completely makes up for it. It’s…


Fallen Stone

Posted: July 3, 2017 by Vanessa in Books We Like Meta: Jana S Brown, Urban Fantasy
Fallen Stone

…of Essence, usually based on an element, such as earth in Misery’s case. Power is derived from that element, and dictates what kind of magic can be performed. The author…



Posted: July 6, 2017 by Vanessa in Books We Like Meta: Carrie Vaughn, Dystopian SF

…trade with each other, with some communities having specialized skills and resources; those unwilling to accept community restrictions are left on their own and often suffer hunger and worse as…


Shadowed Souls

Shadowed Souls

…genius to read, and even though I like the twists and turns and revelations in that series a ton, so much of the story comes by living it through the


Salute the Dark

Posted: September 8, 2010 by Steven in Books We Love Meta: Adrian Tchaikovsky, Fantasy
Salute the Dark

…and spies on secret missions. That isn’t the case here. In SALUTE THE DARK, each of these young agents have come into their own, and they each leave to see…


The Rule of Luck

Posted: September 2, 2016 by Patricia Kintz in Books We Hate Meta: Catherine Cerveny, Romance, Science Fiction
The Rule of Luck

…latest James S.A. Corey installment also hunger for the downright drivel that (insert almost any modern bestselling romance author here) puts out? No, these are mutually exclusive readers and would…



Posted: March 15, 2016 by Writer Dan in Books that are Mediocre Meta: Mike Resnick, Science Fiction

…much to this book, and you’d be mostly right, but let’s be complete and get all the details, because it wasn’t all that bad… INCI is something of a…