Book Author :: Paul Genesse (Ed)
The Crimson Pact: Volume 4

Aaaaand here’s another round of Crimson Pact stories for the reading masses. I know most of you by now have probably read over my full disclosure of each of the previous anthologies: Vol 1 (EBR Review), Vol 2 (EBR Review), and Vol 3 (EBR Review). So you already know that our boss here at EBR, Steve Diamond, figures prominently in them. And you know that I’ve promised to stay impartial, like I always try to do, with my reviews. And you know also know that in light of these two facts, I have no qualms whatsoever about reviewing these anthologies. So, I guess I won’t have to give you my normal spiel about the ethics of posting a book review that is so closely connected to our own blog, or anything like that, and– Dang. I guess I did just that, didn’t I? Oh well. So much for being succinct this time around…
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The Crimson Pact: Volume 3

I have an awesome boss. Well, all of us are pretty cool here at EBR, but Mr. Steve is a class act. He’s smart, he’s debonaire, he’s… what’s that? Why all the sycophantic flattery? It doesn’t even sound like I’m talking to you? Dang. Well, here’s the thing. You might have noticed the title of this book review already, and maybe even more than that you might remember the fact that Mr. Steve was going to have another short story in this anthology. Yeah. Well, his story rocked, but… um… wow, I better just get into it.
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The Crimson Pact: Volume 2

I had massive reservations about trying to review this one. Yes, I reviewed the first volume, and so it only makes sense that I should review the second… and yet… How does one go about reviewing a short-story anthology that includes the first authorial offering of one’s near-perfect boss? Or even how does one have the audacity to review such an anthology that is so closely connected to the review site itself? I mean it. How do you even start to tackle something like that? To tell you the truth, I have absolutely no idea. So, I’m just going to tell you what I thought about it–straight up–and hope that it comes across well.
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The Crimson Pact, Volume 1

Short stories. Seems I’ve been getting through my fair share of them lately, between the NEBULA AWARDS SHOWCASE (EBR Review), the Hugo nominees (EBR Review), the most recent Writers of the Future anthology, and more. The hard part with anthologies of short stories is that it’s usually such a mixed bag. There will be some that’ll knock your socks off and others that make you feel like someone’s licking the butter between your toes. It isn’t often we get an anthology that stands really high overall, though sometimes you can find em. Most end up just left or right of middle.
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