Posts from 2012 :: Page 2
The Watchtower

Garet James is the last in a line of women “watchtowers” who protect humanity from evil–particularly the magic kind. In BLACK SWAN RISING (EBR Review), she had to learn about her unknown powers and save New York City from destruction. She had the help of fairies, goblins, as well as that of the rich and handsome vampire Will Hughes. But he has disappeared, leaving clues for Garet to follow.
If you remember my review for BLACK SWAN RISING, I had a hard time with the love story between Garet and Will. It was sudden and inexplicable and emotionless–it’s hard for a romance to be believable when you don’t understand why two characters love each other. So when the second book, THE WATCHTOWER (Amazon) so depended on their love in order to explain Garet’s motivation to follow Will… it didn’t bode well.
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The Coldest War

What are they putting in the water down in New Mexico? Seriously!
There are two books that I’ve read this year (and I really read my share of books) that I’ve gotten to the end and thought, “WOW!” The first was Daniel Abraham’s excellent THE KING’S BLOOD (EBR Review). THE COLDEST WAR by Ian Tregillis (Amazon) is the second. The weird thing is they both hail from New Mexico. They seem to be in the same writing group or something down there. You can see each other’s names in the acknowledgment section of their books. Whatever they are doing down there, keep it up.
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Mind Storm

The description of MIND STORM by K.M. Ruiz (Amazon) would have you believe that is a story about Threnody Corwin, a soldier-slave of the Earth government. Well, it is and it isn’t. As it turns out Threnody is really more of a supporting character than a primary protagonist. The story is really about Nathan and Lucas Serca and a family feud that has the potential to burn the world to cinder. MIND STORM is what you get when you take the hard-edged, dystopian Science Fiction of Richard K. Morgan’s Takeshi Kovacs novels and spice it up with some psychic powers.
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The Blinding Knife

THE BLINDING KNIFE (Amazon) picks up where THE BLACK PRISM (EBR Review) ends, throwing you into the exciting action from page one.
Oh, yeah.
If you haven’t read book one, the opening chapters of BLINDING won’t make any sense to you. Sure Weeks refreshes our memory here and there, but it won’t be enough to get new readers up to speed. So if you haven’t read THE BLACK PRISM, stop here, go read it, then come back, or else what follows will have spoilers.
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Kitty Steals the Show

In Carrie Vaughn‘s last Kitty Norville book, KITTY’S BIG TROUBLE (EBR Review), she raises the stakes (ahem, no pun intended) regarding Kitty’s dealings with the vampire Roman. In the next installment KITTY STEALS THE SHOW (Amazon), we come to understand that his plans are big and his reach is even bigger.
Kitty has been invited to be a keynote speaker at the first ever Paranormal Conference in London. Scientists, lawyers, doctors, and paranormals themselves are not only presenters but attending the historic conference. Well, and a group of protesters, too. Of course.
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Southern Gods

Every so often I buy a novel purely based on the cover. I don’t read the synopsis on back of the book. I don’t read any reviews. Nothing. Now granted, you can get a fairly decent idea of the type of novel from the cover art, but buying based purely on cover alone has made for some interesting reads in the past. Usually they end up being novels I would normally avoid, but that please me nonetheless. So, real quick, look at the cover of John Hornor Jacobs’ SOUTHERN GODS (Amazon). Do you see what I see? Do you get the impression I got and say, “Huh, that looks cool”? Can you see why I bought the novel without knowing anything about it?
To me, it looks like the blending of Horror and 50’s music. Everything about the cover–from the pose, to the macabre figure, to the tentacles, to the night club look–literally forced me to buy the novel.
And then I started reading.
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A Guile of Dragons

I’ve been meaning to try out James Enge’s work for some time now. I’ve seen some high praise (there is a blurb by Lev ‘effin Grossman on the cover for instance) and so my expectations were high when I cracked open A GUILE OF DRAGONS (Amazon). This novel is a prequel to Enge’s Ambrose series and I saw that as a perfect opportunity for a beginner to jump in. As a book filling in some background detail for a beloved series fans may be satisfied. For those yet to be initiated this may not be the best entry point.
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Blue Magic

Unfortunately for A.M. Dellamonica, here at EBR we don’t have an ecofantasy label. So if you search for more ecofantasy on the site you may have trouble sorting it from all the other fantasy out there. By labeling it ecofantasy Dellamonic is screaming to you her political leanings, but fortunately they don’t get in the way of telling a fascinating story.
BLUE MAGIC (Amazon) is the second book in a duet. I didn’t have trouble getting into the story despite not having read book one, INDIGO SPRINGS (Amazon). Dellamonica brings us up to date quickly without burdening the novel with tedious infodumps. If anything, Dellamonica seems incapable of writing a word more than is necessary.
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For a guy who scoffs at the urban fantasy genre I sure have been reading a lot of it lately. Doyce Testerman’s HIDDEN THINGS (EBR Review) for instance. Now I have to add Chuck Wendig to the list of authors that I need to keep an eye on. BLACKBIRDS (Amazon) is a dark, profane, blistering read that takes an unromantic premise and makes it even more coarse and filthy than you’d suspect possible.
Miriam Black surrounds herself with death. Should her skin make contact with your own she will get a psychic vision detailing your exact time and manner of death. For years she fought to save lives but there is no stopping fate and now she subsists as a vulture, surviving off the remnants of those who pass away. That is, until she meets a truck driver and sees his demise, a horrible murder. But before his death he calls out a name, her name. Now Miriam will try anything in her power to circumvent the natural order.
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This is my first James Herbert novel. As most of you know, I’m trying to round out my Horror reading. People have been telling me over and over that James Herbert is the guy. Since Herbert had a new novel coming out, I thought that this was a good time jump in.
ASH (Amazon) follows the story of paranormal investigator, David Ash. Now, prior to this novel, Ash was also in the Herbert novels HAUNTED and THE GHOSTS OF SLEATH. To Herbert’s credit, I never once had trouble with feeling lost. ASH begins with the investigator taking a job to investigate some mysterious happenings at Comraich Castle–including the crucifixion of a man who was alone inside a locked room. Everything about the contract is shady, but the pay is astounding.
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