Posts tagged with "Hugo Awards"
Hugo 2014 Novelette Nominations

This year’s nominations are all very different and good in their own way, but only one really stood out to me and will get my vote (read them yourself and decide which one is worth your vote!). We’ll cover the others first:
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Hugo Reaction
So I’ve been getting a lot of questions about the Hugo Award nominations this year. I’ve been thinking about it all since I was notified of the nomination, and I honestly still don’t know how to feel. Mostly. Kinda.
Let’s start with the basics. Here are Elitist Book Reviews, we are nominated for our second straight Hugo Award for Best Fanzine! This is completely awesome, and not something I ever thought possible. When I started EBR with a good friend, I just wanted to write reviews for novels. I wanted to recommend the books I loved to everyone. EBR was my outlet for that love of fiction in all forms.
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Losing the Hugo Award

So. The Hugo Awards. Maybe you’ve heard of them. They come in a mixed bag of good and bad, full of second guessing and “should-haves”. Here at Elitist Book Reviews, we were nominated for the 2013 Hugo Award for Best Fanzine. It was a big deal. I didn’t expect us to win, so it came as no surprise when SF Signal was awarded the Hugo.
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2013 Hugo Awards Voting

This is it everyone. If you can vote for the Hugo Awards, you have have until July 31st to do so. Honestly, vote for who you feel is best and most deserving, but most of all, JUST VOTE!
So who are we voting for? Well, that’s a bit complicated in some aspects. It’s a very odd field this time around, especially in short fiction. I know we usually review the short fiction, but there doesn’t seem to be any point to it. We just end up saying, “Hey we really liked this one. But we can’t discuss it without major spoilers because of how short the pieces of fiction are.
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2013 Hugo Award Nominees

Well holy crap! If you pay attention to the Hugo Awards, you know that the nominees for the 2013 Hugo Awards were announced today. So who has ten thumbs and is nominated for a Hugo? THESE GUYS here at Elitist Book Reviews!!!!
… you get it right? There are five reviewers here at EBR… ten thumbs… never mind.
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2011 Hugo Ballot

Well, this Sunday (the 31st of July) is the deadline for Hugo voting. We cast our individual ballots (well, those of us eligible anyway), but we figured we should let you all know what we picked, why we picked them, and where there were differences of opinion if there were any. If you don’t see a category on here, it’s because we didn’t vote in that category.
Here we go!
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2011 Hugo Novellas

Here we are with the Hugo novellas. In case you are wondering, a novella ranges from around 17,500 words and measures up to 40,000 words in length. There’s some beautiful stuff in this set of nominated works—in fact, it was a little hard to choose which was the best. In the end, this category will vary a lot from reader to reader. Anyway, let’s jump in.
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2011 Hugo Novelletes

It’s been a while since I read these novelettes, but I wanted to sit on them for a bit to see which ones stuck with me, which ones disappeared from memory and just see when I came back to it, which ones were the best compared to the others. The question I hear a lot is, “What the heck is a novelette?” Simply put, it’s a work of fiction ranging from 7500 words to around 18,000 words in length. It is that piece of fiction that takes up the space between the short story and the novella.
There were some pretty good pieces of of fiction in this year’s Hugo nominated batch of novelettes. So here we go:
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2011 Hugo Nominated Short Stories

The 2011 Hugo Nominated Short Stories
Short stories are interesting beasts. They are extremely subjective—even more so than novels. For the sake of reviewing the Hugo Nominated Short stories, Steve & Shawn gave them a read. Enjoy!
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Our 2011 Hugo Ballot

The Elitist Book Reviews 2011 Hugo Ballot
Before we let you in on our opinions of the Hugo Awards, we are going to give you our picks. You’ll notice that we didn’t nominate in a few categories. Usually that means we either didn’t read anything in that category, or just didn’t feel like nominating. The Hugo Award nomination deadline is the 26th of March. If you attended WorldCon last year, or bought your membership to this year’s convention in Reno before the 31st of January, you can nominate–and we strongly suggest you do so. If you have already electronically voted, and forgot to put us on your list (GASP!!!) you can just recast your entire ballot and add us in before the deadline. We aren’t begging… oh who are we kidding, we’re on hands and knees here groveling!
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