Book Series :: Kitty Norville
Kitty Goes to War

Carrie Vaughn‘s urban fantasy series about werewolf Kitty Norville who hosts a paranormal call-in radio show adds #8 to list with KITTY GOES TO WAR (Amazon) — there are two more slated to finish the series. Vaughn’s series is the kind where you can read each book as a standalone, but they’re that much more layered if you’ve read the others. The same applies to WAR, you can enjoy the story on its own.
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Kitty’s Big Trouble

With all the trouble Kitty has gotten into since she was turned into a werewolf, it’s hard to imagine that it could get any worse. But there’s a reason why book #9 is named KITTY’S BIG TROUBLE (Amazon)–by the end you’ll understand.
But, instead, let’s go back to the beginning. In the last book, KITTY GOES TO WAR (EBR Review), she learned about the U.S. government’s use of werewolves in combat, and she asked herself: how long have they been doing it, and who else in U.S. history could have been hiding their own supernatural origins?
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Kitty Steals the Show

In Carrie Vaughn‘s last Kitty Norville book, KITTY’S BIG TROUBLE (EBR Review), she raises the stakes (ahem, no pun intended) regarding Kitty’s dealings with the vampire Roman. In the next installment KITTY STEALS THE SHOW (Amazon), we come to understand that his plans are big and his reach is even bigger.
Kitty has been invited to be a keynote speaker at the first ever Paranormal Conference in London. Scientists, lawyers, doctors, and paranormals themselves are not only presenters but attending the historic conference. Well, and a group of protesters, too. Of course.
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Kitty Rocks the House

After the exciting events of KITTY STEALS THE SHOW (EBR review), Kitty returns home to Denver to get down to the serious business of building a strong base of allies in the war against the vampire Roman and his plan to change the status of vampires among humans.
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Kitty Saves the World

There’s something so incredibly satisfying about reaching the end of a great series. Fourteen books (and a few short stories) of Kitty, Cormac, Ben, et al. We’ve come to know and love these people, their friends, and the work they do for the greater good. And now they have to try to save the world.
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Kitty’s Mix Tape

First thing you should know is that KITTY’S MIX TAPE can be read without having read any of the books in the series (we’ve reviewed a few of them HERE). BUT, if you read this book before reading any of the books there will be a few spoilers. However, if you want a taste of the world of Kitty Norville and the werewolves, vampires, and witches that inhabit it without diving wholesale into the 14-book series, you wouldn’t be disappointed.
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