Reviews by Vanessa
Kitty Rocks the House

After the exciting events of KITTY STEALS THE SHOW (EBR review), Kitty returns home to Denver to get down to the serious business of building a strong base of allies in the war against the vampire Roman and his plan to change the status of vampires among humans.
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After 5 books of mayhem, Ann Aguirre’s Sirantha Jax series comes to a close with ENDGAME (Amazon).
Jax finds herself on the La’hong homeworld, fighting for the freedom of the enslaved natives. She’s promised her friend Loras that she will do whatever it takes to pay him back for the way she treated him when he depended on her–even if it means sacrificing herself to see the rebellion he’s leading to the bitter end.
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Nebula Awards Showcase 2013

The nice thing about award anthologies is that–unlike some of the other short fiction anthologies I’ve read–all of the selections are well-written. It’s quite the variety, so let’s get to it (skip straight to the last one if you only want to know the one I liked best). In the order they appear in the NEBULA AWARDS SHOWCASE 2013 (Amazon):
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Two Serpents Rise

Dresediel Lex–desert city of 16 million–is dependent on reservoirs to provide its citizens with water, so when a demon infests a crucial supply it’s Caleb who’s sent to solve the problem. While there Caleb stumbles across the wild Mal, a cliff runner in the wrong place at the wrong time who escapes before he can question her. Could she have witnessed the arrival of the demon or was her presence more nefarious?
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There was a canyon where I lived in Utah with a species of flowers that grew on both sides of the canyon, and over time the ones on the south vs. the north sides diverged in their taxonomy. This happened over a matter of decades, the main culprit being how much light they got. PANDEMONIUM by Warren Fehy (Amazon) takes that concept to the depths of the Earth: completely separated from the surface and its influence for millions of years, how would subterranean species evolve?
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The Suprise Attack of Jabba the Puppet

I’m the mother of two boys: 10 and 9 years old. One is an avid reader and one isn’t, but I read as part of their bedtime ritual and search far and wide to find books all of us will enjoy.
Enter Tom Angleberger’s Origami Yoda series. The man is a genius: middle grade kids, a mystery, Star Wars, and origami? There’s something in there for everyone. Oh, and they’re hysterical.
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Bryn is addicted to a drug that keeps her alive. Being tested for military purposes, Returné contains nanites that keep a body from decomposing even after it’s been killed. Bryn is, in essence, a drug-induced zombie. Now, in Rachel Caine’s TERMINATED (Amazon), Bryn will do anything to stop the Fountain Group from seeing its nefarious goals come to fruition: eliminating the addicted test subjects and selling the upgraded drug to the highest bidders.
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Blood and Other Cravings

An anthology of vampires and other dark creatures that go bump in the night, BLOOD AND OTHER CRAVINGS (Amazon) attempts to explore the unexplained. While the concept is interesting, the selected stories are a mish-mash of clever, creepy, predictable, and just plain weird.
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Earth Girl

Jarra lives on Earth. But what sounds normal to us doesn’t to those who live in 2788, when man has since left Earth for other worlds, thanks to the invention of portals. Unfortunately, not every human’s immune system can handle what the universe has to offer. One in every thousand born can’t survive on other planets and must return to Earth within hours of birth or they die. Jarra’s parents sent her to Earth right after she was born and haven’t been a part of her life since.
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The 5th Wave

The aliens have arrived.
Now mankind is on the verge of extinction, and Cassie is alone, having lost her family and escaped to the forests outside Dayton, Ohio. She can’t trust anyone, even other humans, because she’s convinced that some of them work for the aliens.
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- Angela hite on Boy’s Life
I have a heck of a time getting my teen to read. This one he couldn't put down.
- Writer Dan on Black Leopard, Red Wolf
And you are certainly entitled to your opinion. We all have em. Thanks for takin ...
- Genuhcide on Black Leopard, Red Wolf
I have to disagree. The storytelling is fantastic and author did a great job bui ...
- Lloyd Le Blanc on Tomorrow’s Kin
Read the book . Nah ! Wondering what is the font used on the cover? Thank ...
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Wow, I feel like I had exactly the same experience reading this book. Boring and ...