Book Author :: Lara Elena Donnelly

AMNESTY (Amazon) is the final book in the AMBERLOUGH DOSSIER and if you’ve read my earlier reviews for AMBERLOUGH (EBR Review) and ARMISTICE (EBR Review) you know that I love a good character driven, unrelentingly grim novel. If that isn’t your scene, I recommend browsing through some of our other reviews because AMNESTY follows closely in the same vein as the first two novels in the series both in attention to characters and level of grimness.
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ARMISTICE (Amazon) picks just long enough after AMBERLOUGH (EBR Review) to have the intervening events thoroughly demoralize our protagonists. The glitter and stage lights are gone, leaving behind heartache and fatigue. And only some of the survivors are back.
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Interview with Lara Donnelly

If you’ve read our review of AMBERLOUGH then you already know that we enjoyed Lara Elena Donnelly’s unconventional mix of spy/thriller/cabaret fantasy. While originally published as a standalone, Donnelly’s first novel was followed by ARMISTICE, which we also thought was well worth reading. After enjoying the first two books we knew we would love to ask Lara some questions and she was gracious enough to share her thoughts with us!
Elitist Book Reviews: Thanks for the opportunity for this interview. We want to start out by giving you a chance to introduce yourself, and tell our readers why they should be reading your stuff.
Lara Donnelly: Hi! I’m Lara. And while I clearly think you should be reading my stuff so that I earn out my advance, I also think you should read it because it is lush and sexy and will probably make you cry. Also, I want publishers to grok there’s a market for the weird stuff. Fantasy with no magic. Fantasy set any time […]Read the rest of this post »

AMBERLOUGH is the kind of novel that makes you want to throw adjectives at it. Sleek! Provocative! Captivating! This is due in large part to Lara Elena Donnelly’s prose, which gives the alternate world setting an immediate and richly textured sense of place. AMBERLOUGH (Amazon) is a remarkably self-assured debut, as Donnelly carves an unique space for herself in the fantasy world.
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