Book Series :: Rot & Ruin

Rot & Ruin — #1

Rot & Ruin

Posted: October 29, 2010 by Steven in Books We Love Meta: Jonathan Maberry, Horror, Young Adult
Rot & Ruin

A not-so-funny thing happened. We confused the release of this novel with that of another. We feel pretty awful, because Jonathan Maberry is one of our favorite authors. So, we offer our sincere apologies to one of the greats in the Horror genre. With that said, we feel we should mention how completely awesome ROT & RUIN (Amazon) is. It is… uh… completely awesome!
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Rot & Ruin — #2

Dust & Decay

Posted: October 7, 2011 by Steven in Books We Like Meta: Jonathan Maberry, Horror, Young Adult
Dust & Decay

One of my favorite books last year was ROT & RUIN (EBR Review) by Jonathan Maberry. It was a great take on the after-effects of the zombie apocalypse from the eyes of a teenager. It was also a great example of YA well-done–a fast paced story with fun dialogue and a setting that mixed horror and humor well.
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Rot & Ruin — #3

Flesh & Bone

Posted: September 21, 2012 by Steven in Books We Love Meta: Jonathan Maberry, Horror, Young Adult
Flesh & Bone

Jonathan Maberry makes it all look so easy, doesn’t he? Book after book is released with his name gracing the cover, and we all snatch them up greedily. Why? Because a Jonathan Maberry novel never disappoints.

FLESH & BONE (Amazon) is no different.
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Rot & Ruin — #4

Fire & Ash

Amazon Audible