Book Author :: Ken MacLeod
The Night Sessions

Occasionally I read the back of a book and an idea grabs me. Honestly that’s what I love about SFF books. There are tons of great ideas out there and I love when an author plays with one and lets me tag along for the ride. The idea of personal incorporation in the Unincorporated Series was one such idea. China Miéville’s works are so jam-packed with ideas that he often tosses a few of them out on a single page just to toy with your mind. I read the back cover of THE NIGHT SESSIONS by Ken MacLeod (Amazon) and the only thing I remembered from it was “What if robots found religion?”
Holy Crap! Wow! What an idea! What a great, big, wonderful, let’s explore this and all of its ramifications, kind of idea! I was hooked. I needed to read this book right away.
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The Restoration Game

Sadly I think I can write up this review for Ken MacLeod‘s THE RESTORATION GAME (Amazon) in one, short sentence. Ready for it?
Too little, too late.
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