Book Author :: Glen Cook
The Heirs of Babylon

I haven’t read near enough Glen Cook.
I keep telling myself this, and yet my penchant for continuing to push his books down my TBR pile is, quite frankly, fairly embarrassing. I actually received this book quite some time ago, and only recently took the chance to read it. Mainly because it was short and I needed to get to something short. One of these days I’m going to figure out how to get ahead of the review game again, and have these things scheduled out. Until then, one foot in front of the other.
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The Swordbearer

THE RETURN OF THE BLACK COMPANY (With Amazon), a Tor published omnibus, coming next month we thought we should get some Glen Cook on the site in preparation.
THE SWORDBEARER is one of a number of Glen Cook’s earlier works that is being reprinted by Nightshade Books. It was written, originally, in 1982 and showcases a lot of the themes and ideas that would later be used in what we, and many others, consider one of the greatest entries into the military fantasy genre, THE BLACK COMPANY.
As per Glen Cook’s usual, THE SWORDBEARER is a fast-paced, action-packed tale. It follows a somewhat traditional fantasy story, with a magical sword taking center stage in the hands of a boy protagonist, Gathrid. The writing is very indicative of the genre in the ’80s. For readers today, this book does nothing groundbreaking. Many of the familiar fantasy tropes are present and there are more than a handful cliches tossed about.
To be honest, THE SWORDBEARER doesn’t […]Read the rest of this review »