Book Author :: D.B. Jackson
Dead Man’s Reach

EBR: Everyone welcome our newest reviewer, mtbikemom, a long-time reader and friend who’s agreed to help us work through the pile of books stacking up at EBR headquarters. We’re sure you’ll love her as much as we do.
If a reader is looking for better-than-average female characters in a magically enhanced historical fiction novel with some ripping action scenes, D.B. Jackson’s DEAD MAN’S REACH (Amazon) will satisfy.
I need a bit more in a story than that, however.
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THIEFTAKER by D.B. Jackson (Amazon) is one of those books that leaves me with confused impressions. This novel has a lot going for it–Urban Fantasy in a historical setting, a fun protagonist, a mystery, magic…you get the drift. There is some great potential here. But there are some things that are juuuust off.
The best way for me to describe my feelings to to go at it like I would when I read people’s manuscripts for the purpose of feedback.
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