Book Series :: Green Universe

I like being proven wrong. Well, let my qualify that statement, because I hate being told that I’m wrong. I do, however, enjoy being surprised by finding out for myself that something is not the way that I thought it was. After reading several short stories and a novel by Mr. Lake, I’d pretty much written him off as someone that I wouldn’t enjoy reading any more of. So having this book land in my pile was an interesting experience to say the least. As with my most recent foray into Science Fiction, I of course felt obligated to read the first book in the series before I read this one.
ENDURANCE (Amazon) is the second book in the “Green Universe” authored by the prolific Jay Lake. I had previously read the first book in his “Mainspring Universe”, MAINSPRING (Amazon), and was less than enthused by what I found. In essence, great writing, interesting characters, a decent–if slightly wandering–plot, with a horrible lack of an ending. It is a tribute to Mr. Lake’s prose and storytelling ability that he made me forget about that final point when I dove into GREEN (Amazon) and subsequently with ENDURANCE.
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