Book Series :: Dalanine

Dalanine — #1

The Smoke-Scented Girl

Posted: March 16, 2015 by Vanessa in Books We Like Meta: Melissa McShane, Fantasy, Books for Chicks
The Smoke-Scented Girl

Evon is a recent graduate of magic school, and his high marks earned him a prestigious job at a big-name magic cooperative where he creates new spells that earn the business money. Despite the prestige, he can’t help but feel like his life isn’t headed in the direction that would truly make him happy. Until one day his friend Piercy, who works for the government, brings him a riddle that begs to be solved: a mysterious pattern of burned-out houses around the country Dalanine.

They go off in search of what they believe is a new, powerful fire spell that could change the course of the war that threatens the border of their country–also knowing the consequences if they don’t find it.
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Dalanine — #2

The God-Touched Man
