Book Series :: Brimstone Files

Brimstone Files — #1


Brimstone Files — #2

Black Lotus Kiss

Posted: September 3, 2019 by Allan Bishop in Books We Like Meta: Jason Ridler, Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Occult Fantasy
Black Lotus Kiss

BLACK LOTUS KISS (Amazon) is an unabashed pulp mystery with a side of Marlboro Man smoke-crowned charm, and a kiss on the neck of the Black Dahlia homage to cheesy occult detective novels of the 1970s.

As far as mystery novels go, BLACK LOTUS KISS hits all the marks: character, location, and plot. It doesn’t try to be more than necessary: an over-the-top Hell’s Angels is in league with an eldritch deity-controlled Girl Scouts cookie drive style of mayhem. It is inane, irreverent, and utterly unapologetic in its absurdity.
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