Reviews :: Book Rating :: Books We Don't Like :: Page 6
The Poison Throne
To all those looking for my review of this book, I have two words for you:
talking cats
Oh, hold on, my phone’s ringing…
((beep, beep, boop, eep, eep, boop, oop))
((…ring …click))
Hey, Steve. How’s it going?
Cool. So yeah, I just finished reading that POISON THRONE (Amazon) book you guys gave me and I’m throwing a complete blank on how to write the review for it because just about nothing happened in the whole thing. I–
((wah, wah, waah?))
Yeah, really. Nothing. Well, nothing interesting anyhow.
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The Devil in Green
I like avocados. A good one will leave you longing for more without much effort. Soft, green flesh, that great nutty flavor, and all it needs is a bit of salt to provide, quite possibly, one of the finest snacks on the planet. Yum. I’m always on the lookout for some good Green.
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Flesh and Spirit
It was in 2008 that Carol Berg‘s FLESH AND SPIRIT (Amazon) was published, so it has had some shelf time, like a few other books we have reviewed. We have received quite a large number of emails requesting a review of this book — and it’s sequel BREATH AND BONE (Amazon) — and since we do aim to please, here it is.
Anyone who has read Carol Berg before, knows that she is pretty dang good at what she does, and has written some great books. So we picked up this first half of the series without much hesitation, and cracked it open.
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