Book Author :: Stephen King
Doctor Sleep

Stephen King is one of those authors I continue to pick up despite the fact that I’m frequently frustrated by the way his books end. There’s just too much good he does right to completely sign off and avoid reading his stuff. This is most especially true when it comes to the way his books begin. This book was one that I was really intrigued with and considerably interested in reading because it’s a sequel to THE SHINING (Amazon), which is probably one of the most preeminent ghost stories ever written. A really creepy book. Was hoping for much the same from its sequel.
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Romance? I know. I can hear the tumult of the masses lurching in defiance from here. Since when does EBR review romance novels? Answer: since King started writing them while his publisher was marketing them as otherwise. There was nothing even remotely romance-related to this book that I came across prior to getting into its pages. Not on the outer cover, not inside the cover, not in any official summary of the book. Not anywhere. In fact, despite everything that made my deductive reasoning lean toward the contrary, I didn’t even fully accept that the book was a romance until the very end. Not until the last sentence of the book.
And did that bother me? Immensely so.
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