Book Author :: Bill Willingham
Down the Mysterly River

I have a kid that has a blanket. Anyone with kids (or who can still remember their “blanket”) totally knows where I’m going with this. This raggedy piece of purple stitching gets dragged around everywhere. Actually, it only used to be a blanket–these days about 12 square inches in size–but it’s still the only source of comfort that works every time.
DOWN THE MYSTERLY RIVER (Amazon) is a novel written by Bill Willingham that contains an amalgam of other authors’ characters caught up in a young-adult adventure story right out of the storybooks. The main character, Max the Wolf (originally written by Lawrence Swift) is a scout’s scout that teams up with a number of talking animals (from the minds and imaginations of several others) after waking up in a forest with little to no memory of how they got there.
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