Review: Black Leopard, Red Wolf

Posted: May 27, 2021 by in Books We Hate (1.4/5 single_star) Meta: Marlon James, Fantasy

I find it interesting just how wide and varied the opinions given for a single book can be. This concept has been rattling around in my brain ever since I started reading this book. Prior to deciding to pick it up, I’d seen a decent amount of buzz about it making the rounds on social media. Nothing too excessive. Some people bandying it about as an “African Game of Thrones”. But then it showed up on a list of books. Well, not just any old list, but a list from Time Magazine of “The Best 100 Fantasy Books of All Time” put together by a selected panel of “well-esteemed” fantasy authors. I mean yeeeeesh. How could I not take them up on that opportunity? At the time though, I somehow completely missed the fact that the author of this book… was actually on the panel.


Yeah. Okay, I’d say that’s a pretty good primer for one of the most tedious books I’ve finished reading in a long, long time.

BLACK LEOPARD, RED WOLF is the first book in a planned trilogy that is purported to be a collection of different perspectives surrounding the same series of events. The setup in this first volume is that a boy was abducted about three years ago, and the main character has been tasked with finding him. This man, Tracker, has a “nose” for finding the things that he seeks and is used to working alone, but in this instance agrees to travel with a group of other individuals. One of these is a shape-shifter that morphs between man and Leopard. About halfway through the book, we find out that the boy might be a prince, and I guess that’s where the GoT reference comes in. Meh.

The entirety of the story occurs as we follow Tracker across the land in search of this unknown boy. Along the way, he runs into lots of interesting characters. Some that want to get to know him. Some that already know him. Some that want to kill him. Some that want nothing more than to bed him. Consistently, the characters and beings and creatures that Tracker runs into put on display and show a wide range of possible imagination and fascinating thought. One of the reasons why I like reading books that include new cultures and histories is precisely because so much of it is new and exciting. One of the down sides of having these new experiences though is that I’m completely ignorant of what pieces of the “new” have come directly from the imagination of the author, and which pieces have been lifted from the unfamiliar culture and merely inserted into the book. I don’t think that being unable to discern the difference between the two lessens my possible enjoyment of the story at all. Just that it weakens my ability to judge the author on their possible imaginative merit.

From a story-telling perspective, there was very little that I enjoyed at all about my reading experience here. Not only is there little to no characterization of any of the principle characters of interest, but there’s also little to no description of the space surrounding those characters. Meaning, there’s a whole lot of description of “actions” (He went here. He did this.) and a whole lot of characters talking to one another, but there’s very little of anything else. Occasionally, such as during a fight scene, the level of external description increases for a short period of time, but then completely drops away again. What this did was leave me completely unaware of what was happening around the main character. So, secondary characters would suddenly pop into the scene with no introduction whatsoever, leaving me completely lost as to who this new person was or what might be happening. Add to this, the story’s penchant to jump around in time. Telling a non-linear story is difficult at the best of times, and this was so far from the best of times that I can’t even begin to describe how difficult it was to keep track of what was going on in the story.

The writing isn’t bad, in and of itself. The main complaint I had against it was that I couldn’t ingest more than a few paragraphs without having something else crop up and confuse me at to what was happening. For the first good length of the book, I found myself constantly going back and re-reading, trying to understand what was going on, and who this new person was, and where any of this was happening. In many ways, the reading experience felt like I was reading prose that belonged in a picture book. Not a kids book. Oh no. This tale is rife with potentially offensive content and not for children or even young adults. Think about the story-telling style of a picture book though. Something like Berenstain Bears. You may or may not be familiar with this series that was popular during my childhood. What pieces of those stories are told through the prose? What pieces are told through the pictures? Now, think about reading an entire novel–and a long one at that–that only included the prose from that kind of book. Again, the writing itself wasn’t juvenile. Just talking what details have been included.

Additionally, the characters tendencies to launch off on secondary tales that had no discernable delineation from the main story line constantly led me to wondering how the current events fit into where the characters were just a few pages ago. It seemed almost as if every trick in the book was being used to purposefully make this reading difficult. And I just don’t get that.

You might notice, if you’re particularly astute, that I gave this book a bump in its rating over another book with the same rating. I did this because I listened to the audiobook and the voice talent, Dion Graham, did a particularly good job of putting emotion into the story where it should have been (but wasn’t). In portraying the various ranks of characters arrayed throughout the book. I’d totally listen to another book voiced by this guy.

Frustrating to read and difficult to follow, BLACK LEOPARD, RED WOLF has so much of what every great fantasy book should absolutely avoid.

Perhaps it’s just me, but if some future, traditionally published version of me had been given an opportunity to sit on a panel of authors and pick out the one hundred best fantasy books of all time, there is absolutely ZERO chance that I’d ever choose or even allow anything that I’d written to be included on that list. There’s just no way. Audacity doesn’t even begin to cover it. And one of the selected authors–a person that has only ever published two books in her entire career–has BOTH of those books included on the list. I just– I just can’t. How can anyone trust that a list like that might be anywhere close to accurate?

As of the writing of this review, the top listing that comes up on Google for a review of this book was written by another author of speculative fiction, Amal El-Mohtar, for NPR. I’d like to leave you with a full quote of the third paragraph of her (overwhelmingly positive) review:

“There are things in one’s life that are best appreciated from a distance, and this book is one of them.”

I completely agree with this statement. Enjoy it from afar. In fact, leave it on the shelf in the store, or at the library. Enjoy the view of the pretty cover art. Smile at the knowledge that the author has had the opportunity to be in the spotlight for a short period of time with the help of his own bootstrapping, and then turn away and completely forget this utter shambles of a tale poorly told. You’ll thank me for it.

  • Recommended Age: 18+ for everything
  • Language: Strong and frequent and frequently annoying (repetitive phrases across all characters)
  • Violence: Grisly descriptions and violent/bloody detail. Violence against children.
  • Sex: Frequent, strong, and in-your-face. Violence against children, incest, bestiality. It just didn't stop.

The story includes themes of violence against homosexuals and violence (physical and sexual) against children.


  • Dave says:

    We obviously have different opinions. This review was trash.

    • Writer Dan says:

      Hah. Every time I think about reading this one, I still cringe. Was so painful. More than happy to agree with you though that our opinions likely differ.

      • Margaret Vincent Vincent says:

        Very hard to get through, no redeeming features that i could tell, like a celebration of the underside of humanity.

  • PW says:

    Agree 100% with this review. Couldn’t finish the book.

  • Kirsten Baltz says:

    I’m struggling through this now. I’m enjoying the non-European lense this book is in, but it’s right up there with Gary Jennings “Aztec” in terms of pointless violence. Do I think it’s a bad books? No. Do I think it’s for everyone, or even most people? Also no. I wish this book came with a trigger warning for literally every trigger you could imagine.

  • Joe says:

    Any positive review of this pile-of-rubbish of a novel is based not on the book itself but on the reviewer’s own pretentions.

  • Writer Dan (Thinly Veiled Impersonator) says:

    It is just you. You’re an ignorant fool.

    • Writer Dan says:

      Hmm… Nope! Wrong again. Move along, random internet person. If you’d rather sling personal insults instead of actually sharing an opinion on the book-in-context, you’re not wanted here. 🙂

  • Readers pretentions says:

    I struggled through the first part of the book until I realized trying to make sense of each detail was not only impossible, but also unnecessary. I fell into a rhythm and could tell what I was supposed to understand and what I wasn’t. This made the book enjoyable and thoroughly entertaining. Definitely not for everyone, and if one doesn’t find their own rhythm, just too much work.

    • Terry says:

      Agree… first 100 pages were hard to slide into the rhythm and narrative of it… 60% through it now, and yes a tome – but starting to feel the characters and the sense of it all.. feeling as though it’s well written, but noticing duplication and redundancy.. as though the editor was reluctant to meddle too much (in their defence – it is 700ish pages!) with a prestigious author. Am I enjoying it?I think now, yes. The slog hath passed.

  • Lex says:

    I absolutely disagree with this review! A great piece of fantasy work that gives voice and depth to Black, African figures and helps one see their own world in a new way. Apparently not a book for everyone, but which are? It definitely requires an open mind and some time to acclimate to the style and story, but for sure worth the effort. Excited to continue reading the series

    • Writer Dan says:

      If you keep up with this one, I hope you can enjoy it. No chance I’ll be continuing. Yes, Black/African works of fantasy are important. Just not more important than telling a *great story*, in my mind. I wish I had been able to find something great here. Alas.

  • Caterina Moll says:

    My 13 year old is reading this …Sounds like I should put it on the bookshelf for a 5 more years before its read ! ?

    • Writer Dan says:

      Which is exactly why we have the content inclusions for our reviews: books don’t typically come with any.

    • Marjorie says:

      As a mom of two kids who read above their grade level this is 10000% not for a 13 year old. I honestly wouldn’t give this one to my kids until they were 21. The review comments about trigger warnings for every vice imaginable is spot on. It gets dark, violent, and bloody at times.

  • Herald says:

    This book is absolute trash. I’m reminded of the SouthPark episode that featured The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs, a novel so gratuitously offensive it was celebrated as a work of literary genius. The simpletons who contend this somehow reflects or showcases an African cultural sensibility are doing legitimate African authors a grave disservice, and are simply virtue signalling.

  • Blade Runners says:

    Thank you!!!!! I thought I was the only one. I was in a book club of folks that read this book and everyone seemed to like it. I think mostly because everyone else and the industry said this book was supposed to be great. I felt alone in how terrible this book really was. So many issues. I would admit that the writer was skilled so that the story did feel immersive, but you had to wade through so much muck of graphic sex and sexual violence. Almost every page was full of crude and juvenile talk, I felt I had to dumb myself down as I read it. There was nothing beautiful about the style of writing either. No poetic sentences that stay with you (unless you consider the flat and vulgar sex scenes). Yes, it was an epic tale. Yes, it had a intricate plotline. Yes, it used African folklore instead of using tales from Anglo-Saxon myths. But so what? That should not be the only criteria for a great book. The main character was so unlikeable and so was every character along the way. Nothing redeeming about the story. If you have time to kill and you enjoy crawling through sewage, then feel free to read this book. Take a shower afterwards.

  • Genuhcide says:

    I have to disagree. The storytelling is fantastic and author did a great job building out the world which I find other books (Fourth Wing) really struggled with. Since it is the first book of a trilogy I wasn’t expecting too much info on other characters because a trilogy to me means we’re going to dive deeper into the history and other characters in later books. For some reason, I’m also not someone who cares too much for introductions as that can feel quite lazy in media. It’s more exciting when a character can emerge and we’re left wondering “who is that?!” and then the director/author will reveal that info as soon as that is a crucial part to the story. As long as I’m given a name I can follow along and keep up.

    Even on its own, the storytelling was beautiful, and the author has a way with words that if you take a moment to truly think about what you’re reading, creates wonderful imagery.

    I will say, It was hard to get started because I’m not accustomed to the dialect the author created for these characters, but once I got into a good rythm, I was hooked.

    Starting Moon Witch, Spider King today. Just came across your review when I was trying to purchase the book. Happy reading!

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