Book Series :: Honor Harrington
On Basilisk Station
—AmazonThe Honor of the Queen
—AmazonThe Short Victorious War
—AmazonField of Dishonor
—AmazonFlag in Exile
—AmazonHonor Among Enemies
—AmazonIn Enemy Hands
—AmazonEchoes of Honor
—AmazonAshes of Victory
—AmazonWar of Honor
—AmazonAt All Costs
—AmazonMission of Honor

We noticed something the other day when browsing over our history of reviews (all of them awesome, of course). We didn’t have hardly any reviews of books published by Baen. We attribute part of this to us not reading a lot of their novels. Now, this isn’t because Baen books are bad (as one misguided soul insinuated in a comment to one of our earlier reviews), we just have a lot of books on our plate, many of which are Fantasy (which we prefer over SF). The few Baen novels we have read have actually been pretty solid (looking at you Larry Correia). One of the main Baen authors is David Weber. He practically has his own section at bookstores. His main series follows one Honor Harrington, and the latest book in that series, MISSION OF HONOR (Amazon), was just released.
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