Book Series :: Devils of the Briar

Devils of the Briar — #1

A Twisted Ladder

Devils of the Briar — #2

The Tangled Bridge

Posted: May 14, 2013 by Vanessa in Books We Like Meta: Rhodi Hawk, Fantasy
The Tangled Bridge

Madeline LeBlanc comes from a long line of magic–they call it pigeon–where they can see the briar and the river devils who live there. All of us have our own devils who whisper in our ears, trying to get us to do wicked things. For the most part the devils are an unorganized lot, except that Madeline’s great-grandmother Choloe and half-brother Zenon want to use the briar’s power to change humanity itself. And the only people standing in their way are Madeline and the six-year-old boy Bo Racer who was born a being of light.
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Devils of the Briar — #3

Beyond the Shadow River
