Book Series :: Barsoom
Barsoom — #1
A Princess of Mars

First written as a serial in 1911, A PRINCESS OF MARS by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Amazon) was soon after published in novel form in 1917. While the story is more adventure than science fiction, it was this Mars-based pulp that influenced the men and women who would later fuel the SF renaissance of the mid-Twentieth Century–writers like Ray Bradbury, Carl Sagan, and Arthur C. Clarke.
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Barsoom — #2
The Gods of Mars
—AmazonBarsoom — #3
The Warlord of Mars
—AmazonBarsoom — #4
Thuvia, Maid of Mars
—AmazonBarsoom — #5
The Chessmen of Mars
—AmazonBarsoom — #6
The Master Mind of Mars
—AmazonBarsoom — #7
A Fighting Man of Mars
—AmazonBarsoom — #8
Swords of Mars
—AmazonBarsoom — #9
Synthetic Men of Mars
—AmazonBarsoom — #10