Book Author :: Jeff Somers
The Digital Plague

THE DIGITAL PLAGUE (Amazon) is the second book in the Avery Cates Series by Jeff Somers. We’ve already reviewed the previous book, THE ELECTRIC CHURCH (EBR Review, and I highly encourage you to read that review because everything said in it could apply equally well to this volume.
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The Electric Church

In our continued quest to bring you new authors and new series we have come across a number of candidates. You have a lot to look forward to. We, however, decided to start with this book, simply because it really has the coolest cover. (Hey…turns out even WE judge a book by its cover.)
THE ELECTRIC CHURCH by Jeff Somers (Amazon) is a loose SF/Cyberpunk novel set in a post-apocalyptic near-future USA (and London). In this particular world, a new religion, The Electric Church, guarantees Salvation and Eternal Life…
… with a catch.
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