Book Author :: Brent Weeks
The Blood Mirror

As with previous posts about Brent Weeks’ Lightbringer series, I’m going to tell you again that you can’t start in the middle of the series without being lost, nor would you want to, it’s a great series, go to book one and start there…yadda yadda yadda. Or else here be spoilers.
Ok, now that’s out of the way. Let’s get to the good stuff.
I don’t know how Weeks consistently ratchets up the tension, weirdness, and worldbuilding with each novel, but here we are at book number four, THE BLOOD MIRROR, and you shouldn’t be surprised by this point that it’s yet another big book of epic fantasy goodness.
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The Broken Eye

War. Revenge. Intrigue. Secrets. Magic. Everything you love about Brent Weeks’ Lightbringer Series continues in THE BROKEN EYE (Amazon).
This is what you’ve been waiting for.
Like I said with THE BLINDING KNIFE (EBR Review), trying to read BROKEN without having read the previous books will leave you lost and floundering, the sequence of events lacking real impact. If you love epic fantasy with complex characters, creative world-building, and fast-paced action, then yes you should read this series, starting with THE BLACK PRISM (EBR Review) (read the first three chapters for FREE here!). What follows will contain spoilers if you read them out of order. You have been warned.
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The Blinding Knife

THE BLINDING KNIFE (Amazon) picks up where THE BLACK PRISM (EBR Review) ends, throwing you into the exciting action from page one.
Oh, yeah.
If you haven’t read book one, the opening chapters of BLINDING won’t make any sense to you. Sure Weeks refreshes our memory here and there, but it won’t be enough to get new readers up to speed. So if you haven’t read THE BLACK PRISM, stop here, go read it, then come back, or else what follows will have spoilers.
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Perfect Shadow

Brent Weeks‘ immensely popular Night Angel Trilogy (Amazon) was published in quick succession. Readers had all three of his debut books on hand, devoured them, and then had to wait for his next novel. While imperfect, it was easy to see Weeks’ potential for spinning a good yarn. THE BLACK PRISM (EBR Review) has been released since then, but Weeks did take a little time to go back to the world he started out with, and gives us a novella about the assassin Durzo Blint.
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The Black Prism

Gavin Guile is the Prism, the most powerful ‘drafter’ alive in a world where color is magic and power. His role is to keep the magic balanced or else the world will erupt into chaos. Unfortunately most of the problems he has to deal with are the result of the False Prism War against his brother sixteen years ago.
If you’re familiar with his hugely popular THE NIGHT ANGEL TRILOGY (Amazon), Brent Weeks‘ storytelling continues consistently, albeit with more polish. The first book in his new Lightbringer Series, THE BLACK PRISM (Amazon), Weeks builds an exciting world, plunging into the story right from the get-go.
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