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Book Blogger Appreciation Week

Shocking though this may be, here at Elitist Book Reviews, we tend to think we are pretty awesome (like we said, shocking). Between ourselves (Steve & Nick), our newly acquired “Team” of reviewers (Vanessa, Dan, and Shawn), and even our occasional Guest Reviewers, we are a pretty solid bunch.
Now we don’t want our faithful readers to take this the wrong way–because we love you guys and gals–but we have needs. Mostly to be recognized for what we do. We’ve been around for close to a year now. We’ve reviewed a sizable number of novels, and interviewed some terrific authors. We done good. Amidst it all, we mix serious opinions with our cutting wit and honest criticisms. Honesty is our best quality…as well and handsomeness and humility.
It turns out that there is a Book Blogger Appreciation Week from Sept. 13-17 of this year. Yeah we know. Crazy. People actually have a way to show appreciation for us nutty people who take absurd amounts of time to review novels for the grateful masses. We think it is a great idea.
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New contest!

Yes. Another one. Already. Don’t even pretend you’re not just giddy with childlike excitement.
This one is easy. If absolutely every one of you don’t enter, Steve’s ninja-zombie-assassins are going to come after you and Nick will blow up your shoes. You may be able to take the beard off the terrorist, but you can’t take the terrorist out of the beard…. wait… that doesn’t work… Crap! You get the idea. Just be afraid.Read the rest of this post »
Yay For New Reviewers!

So. We had a contest. All sorts of people entered. We were expecting one or two good ones amidst several crappy ones. As it happens, nearly all the submissions were solid. However, some were just better than others. We ended up with three “winners” who are going to enjoy doing a couple reviews a month for us. So, here they are, along with reasons why we chose them:
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Contest: Reviewers Wanted

So, you want to be an Elitist Reviewer too? Well, you are in luck.
Contrary to popular belief, we do have lives. We work full-time, attend college, have families, aspire to be authors ourselves, and require sleep (sometimes). In short, we want to recruit a few peoples to be reviewers for us.
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Contest Results

Here are the contest results and we, to put it simply, had a blast reading all of your submissions. There were a handful of potential winners that we debated back and forth in deciding who would be declared the winner. So without further ado we give you:
Meg! You are the grand prize winner and will be receiving the ARC of I AM NOT A SERIAL KILLER. For the rest of you, here is her submission.
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