Book Series :: WWW

WWW — #1



In our ongoing effort to read all the Hugo nominated novels for 2010, we continue with Robert J. Sawyer‘s WWW:WAKE (Amazon). Maybe it’s just us, but it seems like Sawyer is consistently nominated for the Hugo for “Best Novel”. Does this mean his books are always awesome? For many people, yes.

But not for us.
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WWW — #2

WWW: Watch

Posted: September 10, 2010 by Shawn in Books that are Mediocre Meta: Robert J. Sawyer, Science Fiction
WWW: Watch

WWW:WATCH (Amazon) is Robert Sawyer‘s sequel to his Hugo nominated story, WWW:WAKE (EBR Review). It is the second novel of a trilogy that will end next year with WWW:WONDER (Amazon).
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WWW — #3

WWW: Wonder
