Book Series :: Morlock Ambrosius
Morlock Ambrosius — #1
Blood of Ambrose
—AmazonMorlock Ambrosius — #2
This Crooked Way
—AmazonMorlock Ambrosius — #3
The Wolf Age

After reading a ridiculous number of novels, we’ve managed to glean a few morsels of wisdom. The key to reading and enjoying novels of different genres and sub-genres is to know what to expect. With Epic Fantasy you prepare for large novels, and slow-paced sections punctuated by sprawling battles. With Mystery/Thrillers, you expect contrived dialogue, and a mandatory twist. Hard SF? You have a dictionary handy for those unavoidable moments where the author makes you feel completely dumb. When it comes to Heroic Fantasy/Sword & Sorcery, however, you need to be prepared for something completely different.
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