Book Series :: Felicia Sevigny

Felicia Sevigny — #1

The Rule of Luck

Posted: September 2, 2016 by Patricia Kintz in Books We Hate Meta: Catherine Cerveny, Romance, Science Fiction
The Rule of Luck

I was intrigued by Catherine Cerveny’s attempt to combine sci-fi with romance as I began THE RULE OF LUCK. The protag is smart and sassy and the opening pages are good.  Bujold did scifi/romance well in MILES IN LOVE, after all. How awful could this be?  I was blissfully unaware that, these days, “romance” almost always means “porn.” At least semi-porn, except for the most-excellent offerings from Carol Berg and Mary Robinette Kowal and a few others.  The sci-fi element in this case was just a pretense for creating the most ridiculous perfect-man trope I can remember. This guy’s only flaw is not realizing just how awesome he is. Yeah, I know. 
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Felicia Sevigny — #2

The Chaos of Luck

Felicia Sevigny — #3

The Game of Luck
