Reviews :: Book Genre :: Eco Thriller
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Occult Fantasy
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Speculatively Lite
Subterranean Press
The Great Self-published Fantasy Blog-off
Recent Comments
- Joe on Tress of the Emerald Sea
So far I've have head "bad ass" 30% into the book, but so far good other than th ...
- El on Reincarnation Blues
I was a lot more disturbed by the use of the n-word than any of the f-bombs. The ...
- TheUtoid on The Bird of the River
RIP Kage Baker. This series was shaping up to be good.
- Writer Dan on The Book That Wouldn’t Burn
Glad you have finally found us. Hope to see you around again. Luck with the endi ...
- Writer Dan on Dragons of Deceit
Do it. I have the next two books in my EBR TBR. Handful of stuff stacked before ...
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